I Started a Podcast!

Hello, my friend!

I hope you’re having a wonderful day! It’s an absolutely gorgeous day today. I just got back from taking my mom to the airport. On the way, I reflected that some of my favorite times with her have been our car rides together.

When it’s just the two of us on the road, free of distractions and other obligations, with only the road outstretched before us, the endless sky above us, we hop onto meandering paths filled with near-forgotten memories patiently waiting to be discovered and dusted off like so many attic treasures.

It’s amazing to me, that after 37 years of life, I’m still learning new things about my mom and our family’s past. For example, her grandmother, Nanny (her real name!), taught herself everything there was to know about homemaking and regularly awakened at 2 a.m. to start canning. The woman woke up at that time every day, but took a nap in the afternoon (slacker!). Wow… Nanny also made each of her 37 “house dresses” and stitched on the buttons via a tedious technique called “bound buttonholes.” I just watched a YouTube video on it, and it’s intense. Hats off to you, Nanny!

Anyway, that was just one of many anecdotes my mama shared with me this morning, and it reminded me of this quote on passing down stories to our loved ones, which also leads us into this week’s Top 4!:


“If you don’t recount your family history, it will be lost. Honor your own stories and tell them too. The tales may not seem very important, but they are what binds families and makes each of us who we are.” – Madeleine L’Engle


I believe I’ve shared with you before my desire to start a podcast, and, well, I finally dove in headfirst and have published 6 episodes for The Inadequate Mom Show.

As the name suggests, the podcast is geared toward mamas like me who most definitely do not get it all done or have it all together. The podcast is a place for women to find encouragement, hear practical tips and advice, and most of all, know that they’re not alone in feeling like they just don’t measure up sometimes.

The Internet is a two-edged sword, for sure, and the sharp blade of social comparison can be ruthless. I feel it’s imperative that we regularly remind ourselves that social media is teeming with highlight reels and lacking in bloopers. Let’s embrace our strengths as mothers and wives and not let our weaknesses steal our joy!

You can check out the first episode HERE.


‘Tis the season to be snotty, fa-la-la-la-la…la-la-la-la!
Wash your hands after you potty, fa-la-la-la-la…la-la-la-la!

Beyond keeping our hands clean, Dr. Huberman shares some awesome tips to keep yourself and your family as healthy as possible throughout cold/flu season. Check out his episode: How to Treat & Prevent Colds & Flu.


“Frankly, the most valuable items in our house might be a squat rack, a bench, and a set of weights. I thought I was purchasing gym equipment, but I was actually buying peace of mind.” – James Clear

Do you have any of these “peace of mind” pieces in your house? If not, what’s one piece of exercise equipment you could save up to buy this month?

I hope you enjoyed this week’s Top 4! Lord willing, I’ll be back next week!

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