“Children of Light” – A Poem for Sandy Hook

Hi, everyone. I hope and pray each of you are well. I imagine you all have been mourning, as I have, the tragedy that occurred in Connecticut last week. Ever since I was a little girl, I’ve been letting my emotions loose on paper (well, more like “on Word Processor”). The Lord seems to speak to my spirit as I write, and I felt comforted as these words guided my heart and mind back to the Blessed Hope we have in Christ and the wonderful promise of His return and the restoration of all things (Titus 2:13, Acts 3:21). I hope this blesses you in some small way.

They have awakened from the dream

That is life slipping from this world,

Treading light upon shining stream

They greet a land of Hope unfurled –

Overwhelmed by waves e’er wonderful, they glow at Heaven’s gleam.


As hummingbirds ‘round Trumpet Vine,

As storytellers ‘round fire,

So they are greeted line by line

By beaming saints, blissful choir –

They behold among all the faces, the One who calls them… “Mine.”


In His arms, they feel only peace,

Only the joy of life with Him.

Touching His face, all tears must cease,

All memories of pain grow dim –

This moment ends their heartache with the knowledge of love’s increase.


Now they hear ancient angels’ song,

They smile as we never saw.

To the Father their souls belong,

Forever to fly, all in awe –

They muse the meaning of mysteries as we seek to be strong.


Lift up your hearts, and remember:

Our God is a good, faithful King.

What was taken in December,

Will be restored in Heaven’s spring.


~<3 Diana


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